Monday, September 04, 2006


An E-mail letter posted on the Internet

Some of you Brethren serve to keep me on my toes, and I like that. Here are some additional thoughts that will serve to identify my point of approach to the matter.

1) The account of the sower sowing on various types of soil. Some soils (Hearts) produced more of a crop than others did. And even the GOOD soil produced 30, 60, and 100 fold. DEGREES OF LORDSHIP is involved here.

2) In the Revelation, the seven great promises are assigned to those who OVERCOME, rather than to the average "Joe" Christian.

3) In Philipians, Paul describes his struggle to attain unto the RESURRECTION of the dead. The Greek word here is used only this one time in the whole New Testament. It means a "standing out from among" the dead.

4) The writer of Hebrews tells of the endurance of the heroes of faith, and that they would not accept deliverance (from persecution) in order to obtain a "BETTER RESURRECTION" 5) Paul mentions his zeal to suppress tendencies of the flesh in order to arrive at a point of KNOWING HIM (Greek Epignosis, meaning a full, complete, intimate relationship with Him).

6) SALVATION is based solely upon the shed blood of Jesus. DISCIPLESHIP results from personal efforts to ascertain what things please Him, and a conscious expenditure of energy to incorporate them into our lives.

7) Sin (Greek Hamartia) means a missing the mark (shoot-ing of arrows, a falling short of the mark), and, yes, we still do it to greater or lesser degrees, but without the condemnation (Rom 8:1) that would result from a deliberate walking contrary to Godly Principles.
God Bless!

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