Saturday, September 02, 2006


There is a difference between Justification and Forgiveness, and though it may be merely a technical difference, it is a very important factor in a proper understanding of God's plan of Salvation. We are living far below our priviledges in God, due to not knowing our position in Him. Please note carefully: It is impossible to FORGIVE OR PARDON AN INNOCENT MAN.
Pardon can ONLY operate in the presence of guilt. Likewise, it is impossible to JUSTIFY (acquit) a guilty person, for Justification can come ONLY TO THE RIGHTEOUS, OR INNOCENT. It is an exoneration, or a DECLARATION OF INNOCENCE. To be Justified is to be declared righteous, or innocent. God's Law (the 10 Commandments) failed to make men righteous because of man's inability to fulfill its demands. Jesus made it even worse when in the Sermon on the Mount He pushed the standard even higher than it had been under Moses--(Love your enemies, Whosoever is angry, etc.). It is, indeed, impossible for man to attain such a high goal. BUT HERE IS THE PAY-OFF! As high as Jesus put the requirement, (and it is actually much HIGHER than even Jesus said it was), HE FULFILLED ALL THE REQUIREMENTS WHILE HERE ON EARTH, and thus, in His flesh earned the Righteousness of God. This is what He meant when He said, "I came to FULFIL THE LAW." Mt 5:17 He is the only human ever to keep the Law of God, hence the only human ever to merit the Righteousness of God. We think of Him as spending 3 1/2 years teaching His disciples, but He was also spending that time FULFILLING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW. It demanded a sin-free life. HE WAS LIVING IT!
His death would have meant exactly nothing to you and me if He had not first lived a life of Righteousess. It was His Righteousness that made His death effective for our Salvation. NOW LISTEN! A sinner is yet guilty even after he has been pardoned or forgiven. To be forgiven does not BANISH THE FACT of sin. BUT JESUS, by His death made a way whereby our guilt could be put onto His account, and thus He becomes guilty IN OUR STEAD. THINK OF IT. He is willing to ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY for all of our sins. When we let Him assume this responsibility, we stand innocent before God.
(Wonderful Story of Love)
BUT THAT IS ONLY HALF OF THE STORY! In addition to making us free of guilt, He JUSTIFIES us, (declares us to be innocent, or righteous). We stand before God as one who has KEPT ALL OF THE DIVINE LAW.
HERE IS A CASE OF "FACTS" VERSUS "TRUTH". Facts declare our guilt-- Truth declares our innocense.
JUSTIFCATION IS A MIRACLE! This miracle is accomplished by SUBSTITUTION, or switching of accounts. In place of the guilt on our ledger, He gives us His Righteousness. "For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin: that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2Cor 5:21
THIS IS BEING JUSTIFIED BY FAITH! HERE IS WHERE WE ARE LETTING OURSELVES BE ROBBED OF OUR HERITAGE IN GOD. We are constantly being reminded of our guilt by our arch-enemy--Satan. He is the accuser of the brethren, and tries hard to keep us snowed under with condemnation, because he knows what will happen when we fully realize what our heritage is in Jesus. He does not want us to know that Jesus assumes FULL RESPONSIBILITY for our sins. The longer he keeps us sweating, the longer he can frustrate our Faith in the Sacrifice of Calvary. SO STOP carrying around any condemnation for your sins. START trusting in God's Righteousness through Jesus Christ.

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