Friday, September 01, 2006



Five places in the book of Daniel, a phrase is used which has been made into a Christian Doctrine. This should never have been done.

The phrase is "Daily (Sacrifice)". In all five places, the word "sacrifice" is in Italics and parentheses-- denoting that it is not in the original text. It was supplied by the King James Translators to make a "more clear understanding" of the text. In doing so, they may have corrupted our "Spiritual Compass", and altered our course considerably. They KNEW they didn't have the answer, but SUGGESTED one for us by supplying a word or two here and there. I believe they did the best they could have done-- given the background from which they came-- Roman Catholicism. Let me give you some background information.

In the early 1500's, Martin Luther (the Swan) tacked his Theses on the Church door in Wittenburg. He became the recognized leader in a full-scale rebellion against the abuses of the Papacy. What has been called the "Devil's Millenium" was about to grind down to an end-- to be replaced by the first stages of God's Restoration of His Church in the earth. Truth had been "cast to the ground", as had been prophesied by Daniel (8:12) Marin Luther, and all of the other "Reformers" had pointed to the Papacy and called the SYSTEM the ANTICHRIST. Their teaching was causing much pain (indeed, it MAY have been the "wound unto death") to the Papal system, and an all-out attempt to counteract it was launched by the church leaders. The objective was to "take the heat off" the Papacy.

This was accomplished by formulating a doctrine which would shift MOST of the Prophetic writings far INTO THE FUTURE-- away from thier present time. These prophetic teachings included, but were not restricted to, Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, Great Tribulation, and some others which are, in all probability, now history instead of in the future.

The final hurdle to acceptance of the new doctrine was overcome by convincing the Archbishop of Canterbury-- the accepted figure-head of the protestant movement-- of the truth of the doctrine. As a result, the whole Christian Community now accepts and believes the error. Our "guns are now pointed the wrong direction."

Nearly a hundred years had passed since Luther had first "drawn blood" from the "system", when King James commissioned the translators to come up with an un-corrupted version of the scriptures.

Sorry, King James, but by now the "original" manuscripts had ALSO BEEN ALTERED-- to read differently than before. The NEW manuscripts were then called the "originals", and those truly orignal ones were destroyed. (We have substantial proof of this having been done.) We won't labor that fact here.

After nearly a hundred years, most everyone was believing the "future tribulation, future antichrist, future mark of the beast" doctrine-- including the royal translators.
So, when they couldn't understand a passage, they SUPPLIED words-- words which were "tainted" with Papal futuristic teachings.

But, they WERE honest enough to tell us that they had supplied the words-- by putting them in italics.

But, if the word "sacrifice" is misleading, WHAT IS THE TRUE MEANING OF "DAILY"?

I BELIEVE, and please bear in mind that I only THINK I have heard from the Lord on this. But I like this interpretation a whole lot better than the one being promoted today by theologians world wide.

According to the prophecy of Daniel, the "DAILY" was to be taken away. In its stead there would be established the "Abomination which maketh desolate".


Long before the Pagan Roman Empire "fell" (into decay), there was another governmental force making its presence felt among the people in the Empire.

The Church of that time was struggling for supreme power over the masses of humanity. Men with less than perfect ambitions (they are described in scripture as "violent men, or men of violence) set about to "seize the Kingdom" by violent means.

In due time, the world was to know ONLY the rule of the "Church". The "Church" would assume supreme authority-- even over kings of the earth, and their kingdoms. Whole armies were "commandeered" by the leaders of the "Church". Heathen nations would be "Evangelized" by these commandeered armies.

The "stock in trade" of this new GOVERNMENT would become, among other things, THE SOULS OF MEN. The DOCTRINES of the "Church" were taught with the guillotine or sword. This was the "Abomination of Desolation."

But, God can use even the lowest calibre of men to bring about His purposes in the earth. He would call upon a rascal by the name of King Henry VIII to spearhead a time of tribulation such as may never be duplicated again. He formed the "Church of England" and appointed himself as the supreme head of it.

By the time he came along, the Reformation movement had gained much headway among the populace. He gave them a GOVERNMENT to rally under. As long as he lived, things went along fairly smoothly-- in England.

But, he died one day, and trouble broke loose-- eventually coming to a head under Mary (Bloody Mary), who engineered a blood bath unrivaled by any persecution prior to that time. The "Church Supreme" was killing dissidents by the thousands. Mary was determined that England should return to the Papacy. Little wonder that England applauded her death, rather than mourning it.
King James came along roughly sixty years after the persecution by Mary. Confusion was rampant-- which version of the Bible was correct. Does that sound familiar? James would put the matter to rest with an Authorized Version. Did he do it?

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