1Co 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
1Co 11:32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.
Here is a portion of scripture that is not very well understood, but one that carries a great deal of weight concerning God's dealings with His people.
In 1938-39, Bro. John Deering explained it to us in Bible School at Caldwell, ID.
He introduced us to the belief that we CAN escape the Great White Throne Judgment if we "do our homework", as the modern vernacular would express it.
He was also the first one to cause us to question the current teaching that ALL Christians would experience the "rapture", as it has come to be called since the days of Darby.
I do not recall ALL that Bro. Deering told us about the subject. He at least got us started thinking along the line of there being something that WE could and should be doing during the course of our Christian life, and the relative consequences of our actions or inaction, as the case might be. He did not have the benefit of computer programs which would readily tell him the words used in the original writings, and their relative meanings.
The Spirit, however, was able to guide him to the original intent of the writings, and he was able to relay it to the students. Paraphrased as I remember, it was like this:
"God has given us ample teaching in His Word about how we should conduct our lives after we have obtained Salvation, (and especially after having received the Holy Ghost) so that we have little excuse to fail or neglect to change our lifestyle to conform to what we see in the written Word. Our lives should begin to take on a resemblance to what the Word advocates that they should be. It doesn't happen all at once, but is a process of applying Christian principles as we are able, with the ability of the Spirit, and as we gain strength in Him. This is the essence of "judging ourselves". And if we are successful to the point of satisfying the Lord, we will not have to appear before the Great White Throne to give an account for our deeds. If we fail to satisfy the Lord while here on earth, we will have missed our chance to be in whatever the "rapture" stands for. Nobody wants that, but it is the sure fate of anyone who neglects to follow the leadings of the Word and the Spirit. We will never, on earth, be able to become "perfect" in the sense of being absolutely without flaw. But there is a place of satisfying the Lord, and He who "calleth those things that be not as though they were" (Rom 4:17), looks upon us with a favor similar to that of Abraham."
Paul, who knew the Greek language well, made word play in the scripture we have used for our text. He conveys the thought that if we neglect or fail in our "Christian home work", God will do it for us when He does it for the sinners. And, if we have to appear at THAT judgment, we have missed something very valuable.
It is my personal opinion, and I think I have the mind of the Lord, that Paul was referring to us working our way to maturity AFTER the initial experience of Salvation when he penned the scripture Phi 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION with fear and trembling.
According to my understanding of God's plan, there is no way Paul was advocating that we can or should pay for Salvation by anything we can do. Salvation is a GIFT from GOD, given freely to all who will accept it.
The "working" that Paul was referring to is about CHARACTER REFINEMENT that we accomplish by invoking the power of the Spirit of God to subdue, suppress, beat down the elements of our human nature which are contrary to the NATURE OF GOD. It is a tremendous undertaking, and we CAN NOT DO IT BY OURSELVES. ONLY THE SPIRIT OF THE RISEN SAVIOUR IS ADEQUATE TO THE TASK.
According to my understanding, this leads to the "MORE ABUNDANT LIFE" that Jesus spoke about in Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have LIFE, and that they might have it MORE ABUNDANTLY.
We develop the more abundant life by endeavoring to fully obey the commandments of Jesus, and the admonitions of the New Testament writers. We are always happier, and often healthier, when we live the life that is pleasing in the sight of God .
We BUY from the Lord the refinement of character that resembles the Nature of God. We also BUY from Him the right to wear the WHITE RAIMENT, which covers the flaws of the Adamic nature we were born with. We BUY from Him the eye salve that enables us to see what we can not otherwise see. This is "Life more abundantly."
Rev 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me GOLD TRIED IN THE FIRE, that thou mayest be rich; and WHITE RAIMENT, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see.
I remember Bro. Charlie Yadon preaching about the two kinds of Christians. He said, "There are Christians who please God, and there are others who do not please God." As I thought about it, I had to agree with him. It is possible to be saved, and still not be living a life that satisfies God.
But, we MUST live the life of pleasing God if we hope to enjoy the "more abundant" life, which is available to us, and be eligible for the WHITE RAIMENT.
Walking closely to the Lord in obedience to all of the light He sheds on our pathway is the essence of "judging ourselves", and assures us a place in the future program of the Lord, whatever you choose to call it. Some call it "maturity" while others call it "overcoming". We CAN ATTAIN to it, if we determine in our hearts that we will listen carefully to His Voice and obey it.
He speaks to us, mainly, from His written Word. Also by His Spirit that is within us after we have received the Holy Ghost.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
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1 comment:
Am wondering if you have seen "Thomas Ice (Bloopers)," "Famous Rapture Watchers," "Pretrib Rapture Diehards," and "Appendix F: Thou Shalt Not Steal" on Google.
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