Monday, September 03, 2007



A few days ago a thought came to me about Heb 13:10 "We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle.

The writer was referring to our source of supply, rather than any sacrifices we might want to offer. The Priests of the Tabernacle ATE from the altar (and took home to the family), and grew fat.

We are invited to EAT from the Altar which God has provided and supplied for us.

He PUT HIMSELF on that altar, and all that we need for our Spiritual food is there, waiting for us to make contact with Him so that He can DOWNLOAD to us what he sees that we need.

He will gladly impart to us what we need AS LONG AS WE ARE ON LINE.

Ah! That is our problem! We spend far too little time in Spiritual CONTACT with Him for much transferring of Spiritual strength to take place.

Hence, many of us are sickly and emaciated Christians, laden with traits of humanity (the spirit of man), doing what the spirit of man dictates because it is the stronger in our lives.

How badly we need to be praying in the Spirit (the unknown tongue), in order for God to impart to us those traits of Himself, in large enough quantities to gain the mastery in our lives.

Our lack of His Spirit shows up in every aspect of our lives. Yet, in HIS SPIRIT is the antidote for all of our Spiritual shortcomings.

For my RASHNESS, He can download His TEMPERANCE.

For my BIGOTRY, He can download His MODERATION and TOLERANCE.

For my HARSHNESS, He can download His TENDERNESS.

For my PRIDE, He can download His HUMILITY.

For my HARDNESS, He can download His MEEKNESS and GENTLENESS.

The list could go on much further, but this is enough to point up our need of daily prayer in the Spirit (unknown tongue), in order for the proper transfer to take place.

1 comment:

JCP said...

I enjoyed reading your Blog very much! I needed that download.....Thank you....